Like MVC, MVP or MVVM, MVI is an architectural design pattern that helps us better organize our code to create robust and maintainable applications. It is in the same family as Flux or Redux and was first introduced by André Medeiros. This acronym is formed by the contraction of the words Model, View and Intent.
We’ll try to describe the different elements of the MVI architecture so that you can understand their role within the architecture.
Figure 1
Represents the user’s intent when interacting with the UI. For example, a click on a button to refresh a list of data will be modeled as an Intent. To avoid any confusion with the Android framework Intent, we will call it in the rest of this article a UserIntent.
It is a ViewModel where different synchronous or asynchronous tasks are performed. It accepts UserIntents as input and produces one or more successive states as output. These states are exposed via a LiveData to be used by the view.
The view simply processes immutable states that it receives from the ViewModel to update the UI. It also allows to transmit user actions to the ViewModel in order to accomplish defined tasks.
But it’s not finished, to set up an MVI archictecture, we need other elements like :
It represents an immutable state of sight. A new state is created by the ViewModel each time the view needs to be updated.
When you want to create a new State, you use the Reducer. It is provided with the current state as well as new elements to be included and it takes care of producing an immutable state.
MVI in the nutshell
As you can see on the Figure 1, all the actions that the user can perform on a view are translated as intention, in other words the user manifests the intention to do something by transmitting his intention to the model, the model receives the intention then performs the operation related to this intention, then the model returns a result in the form of a state, and the view will be able to update itself according to this state.
MVI was designed around the paradigm of reactive programming and uses observable flows to exchange messages between different entities. As a result, each of them will be independent and therefore more flexible and resilient. In addition, information will always flow in one direction: this concept is known as Unidirectional Data Flow or UDF. Once the architecture is established, the developer will find it easier to reason and debug if necessary. However, this concept must be strictly adhered to throughout the development process.
The MVI components
To illustrate the MVI architecture, we’re going to develop step by step an application that retrieves the data online and then displays them in a recyclerView, the user will be able to refresh the list to get the new data, the application looks like that
The UI state
Extremely important thing with MVI, we model a complete state of the view with all the data necessary to display our UI
And the state of figure 2 can be presented by this class
As you can see, the State class implements the IState interface, it’s just a matter of organization, and reusability you’ll see the advantage in the rest of the article.
The View
The View part is represented in our Android application by an Activity. It will implement a generic interface with a single render function that takes a State state as a parameter.
The User Intent
The UserIntent class represents the different actions the user can do on a particular view, and in our case the user may want to retrieve the data or refresh the view to get the new information,
We have used a Sealed class that models these “intentions” and allows us to deal with them exhaustively in the instruction when provided by Kotlin.
sealed class UserIntent : IIntent {
object RefreshUsers : UserIntent()
object FetchUsers : UserIntent()
The UserIntent class also implements an IIntent interface that we used to identify all the Intentions that the user can perform in our application.
interface IIntent {
The model
Let us now turn to the most interesting part of our logic. We will try to keep in mind the two concepts mentioned above: UDF and Reactive Programming. We will only use what Kotlin, LiveData and the Coroutines library offer.
The ViewModel will implement a generic interface which exposes the state via a LiveData and which offers an entry point for UserIntents.
All the viewModels of our application will implement this interface and will receive the user’s intentions via a channel (for more information about the channel refer to the official Kotlin documentation).
MVI In Practice
The ViewModel of the application
The UserViewModel of our small application implements the generic IModel
interface, and this ViewModel will be able to provide the view with a UserState
state and will be able to handle UserIntent
intentions, that’s why the type parameter looks like .
class UserViewModel(private val userApi: UserApi) : ViewModel(), IModel<UserState, UserIntent> {
override val intents: Channel<UserIntent> = Channel(Channel.UNLIMITED)
private val _state = MutableLiveData<UserState>().apply { value = UserState() }
override val state: LiveData<UserState>
get() = _state
init {
private fun handlerIntent() {
viewModelScope.launch {
intents.consumeAsFlow().collect { userIntent ->
when(userIntent) {
UserIntent.RefreshUsers -> fetchData()
UserIntent.FetchUsers -> fetchData()
private fun fetchData() {
viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
try {
updateState { it.copy(isLoading = true) }
updateState { it.copy(isLoading = false, users = userApi.getUser()) }
} catch (e: Exception) {
updateState { it.copy(isLoading = false, errorMessage = e.message) }
private suspend fun updateState(handler: suspend (intent: UserState) -> UserState) {
When implementing the
interface, theUserViewModel
must implement both properties, the intents property that is initialized with UNLIMITED channel, and the state returns the value of aMutableViewModel
that is initialized by the initial state of the view.
Intent handling
The handlerIntent
method collects the intentions that the user is going to send via the channel from the view and performs the appropriate processing according to the received intention.
fun handlerIntent() {
viewModelScope.launch {
intents.consumeAsFlow().collect { userIntent ->
when(userIntent) {
UserIntent.RefreshUsers -> fetchData()
UserIntent.FetchUsers -> fetchData()
Update the state
When you want to create a new State
, you use the Reducer
, It is provided with the current state as well as new elements to be included and it takes care of producing an immutable state.
private suspend fun updateState(handler: suspend (intent: UserState) -> UserState) {
This operation is performed by the updateState
method, which takes as only parameter a lambda that takes the current state and returns another state.
The Main View
The View part is represented in our Android application by the MainActivity
. It will implement a generic interface with a single render function that takes a State state as a parameter.
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity(), IView<UserState> {
private val mAdapter = ItemAdapter()
private val mViewModel by viewModel<UserViewModel>()
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
recyclerView.adapter = mAdapter
// Observing the state
mViewModel.state.observe(this, Observer {
// Fetching data when the application launched
lifecycleScope.launch {
// Refresh data
btnRefresh.setOnClickListener {
lifecycleScope.launch {
override fun render(state: UserState) {
with(state) {
progressBar.isVisible = isLoading
btnRefresh.isEnabled = !isLoading
if (errorMessage != null) {
Toast.makeText(this@MainActivity, errorMessage, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
When the user click the refresh button, we send the RefreshUsers intent to the UserViewModel
using the channel, this operation will update the state and the main activity will react to the state change by call the render
method and pass to it new state that will be used to update the UI.
MVI is an architectural design pattern based on reactive programming. The goal is to have less complex code, testable and easy to maintain. An Intent (or UserIntent in this article) describes the action of a user. Actions are always executed following the same one-way circuit (UDF). We manipulate immutable states that model the view. A Reducer is a component that allows us to produce new states.
If you want to see the code more closely, the source code is available on the following link and If you have any kind of feedback, feel free to connect with me on Twitter.
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